Tas-heel Series | A Lesson on the Commentary of Sūrah Kāfirūn 

(For Immediate Release)


For many years, the Tas-heel Series of textbooks for the teaching of Islam in junior madāris has been adopted widely in the country and abroad. It is acknowledged as the basis of many other series, on the market or still in development.

Nevertheless, there are attempts to discredit the Tas-heel Series on the basis of a number of spurious claims. Most recently, it has been averred that Tas-heel Duroosul Qur’ān Book 8, whose Lesson 8 is on Sūrah Kāfirūn is part of an “interfaith movement” effort to compromise Islam by “indoctrinating” young children.

JUSA’s observations on the matter follow herewith:


  • The claim is premised on hasty and destructive verdict via social media, based on deliberate disregard for the context of the entirety of the lesson. The purport of the lesson in question is that the very foundation of interfaith relations with non-Muslims is that no compromise can be made with regards to ‘Aqīdah and worship of Allah, Alone. For example, in the lesson, the following has been emphasised: [The Sūrah] “in an assertive and decisive tone makes a clear distinction between Tawhīd and Shirk.” To that extent, the lesson also sets boundaries of engagement that will achieve communal harmony.


  • Mufti Muhammad Shafī’ Rahimahullah in Ma’āriful Qur’ān, under the commentary of this Sūrah states: “Islam is the religion that stands for tolerance, kindness, politeness and peace more than any other religion. However, all these ethical principles can be applied in the matters of human rights. There is no room for compromise in  matters of Divine Law or the basic tenets of Divine Religion.”


  • The Curriculum Committee of the Tas-heel Series engages stakeholders and the users of the curriculum who are encouraged to give feedback which is useful in the revision, error-correction and improvement of the learning resource. We therefore find the claim to be disingenuous as it is quickly accompanied by a promotion of other syllabi which are themselves invariably derived from the Tas-heel Series itself. It seems that we live in a time where prosperity is perceived to be hinged on the discrediting of others.


  • JUSA’s policy in inter-religious engagement is evident in its statement of 14 December 2022, which reads in part: “Inter-religious engagement entails jointly advancing or defending common interests such as fighting against poverty, crime, disease and the promotion of good governance. It is aimed at creating a climate of peaceful and harmonious social relations. Such engagement allows people to cooperate with each other despite their religious differences… JUSA’s engagement with other religions is not an attempt to dilute the purity of Islam as wrongly averred by some. It does not imply that Islam is simply a religion among religions. It is our belief that Islam is the only religion of truth as unequivocally stated in the Qur’an: “Truly the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam…” (Qur’ān 3:19)”


The Jamiatul Ulama South Africa expresses its dismay at, and condemns any attempt to sow seeds of doubt in the hearts of the masses. We reject the distorted and deliberately twisted inferences against JUSA.


The Executive Committee
Jamiatul Ulama South Africa


29 May 2023