Sha’bān 1440
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
30 | 06 May 19 | R14,42 | R593,77 | R545,24 | R446,00 | R347,18 | R224,51 | R7,34 | R4493,74 | R224,69 | R11234,36 | R19360,14 |
27 | 03 May 19 | R14,52 | R594,27 | R545,70 | R446,38 | R347,48 | R224,71 | R7,40 | R4530,64 | R226,53 | R11326,61 | R19376,64 |
26 | 02 May 19 | R14,36 | R592,98 | R544,52 | R445,41 | R346,72 | R224,23 | R7,47 | R4575,43 | R228,77 | R11438,58 | R19334,52 |
24 | 30 Apr 19 | R14,35 | R591,07 | R542,77 | R443,98 | R345,61 | R223,51 | R7,46 | R4566,08 | R228,30 | R11415,20 | R19272,15 |
23 | 29 Apr 19 | R14.36 | R593.96 | R545.42 | R446.15 | R347.30 | R224.60 | R7.27 | R4453.57 | R222.68 | R11133.91 | R19366.54 |
20 | 26 Apr 19 | R14,48 | R597,23 | R548,42 | R448,60 | R349,20 | R225,82 | R7,47 | R4576,72 | R228,84 | R11441,80 | R19473,28 |
19 | 25 Apr 19 | R14,43 | R590,72 | R542,45 | R443,72 | R345,41 | R223,38 | R7,42 | R4540,93 | R227,05 | R11352,34 | R19260,73 |
18 | 24 Apr 19 | R14,32 | R585,34 | R537,52 | R439,68 | R342,26 | R221,36 | R7,44 | R4558,85 | R227,94 | R11397,12 | R19084,87 |
17 | 23 Apr 19 | R14,10 | R579,07 | R531,76 | R434,98 | R338,61 | R218,99 | R7,32 | R4482,01 | R224,10 | R11205,02 | R18880,04 |
12 | 18 Apr 19 | R14,02 | R575,96 | R528,91 | R432,64 | R336,79 | R217,83 | R7,30 | R4470,78 | R223,54 | R11176,94 | R18778,44 |
11 | 17 Apr 19 | R14,10 | R579,57 | R532,22 | R435,35 | R338,90 | R219,18 | R7,32 | R4480,60 | R224,03 | R11201,50 | R18896,36 |
10 | 16 Apr 19 | R14,02 | R580,52 | R533,09 | R436,06 | R339,45 | R219,53 | R7,27 | R4452,51 | R222,63 | R11131,28 | R18927,40 |
9 | 15 Apr 19 | R13,99 | R582,92 | R535,29 | R437,86 | R340,85 | R220,44 | R7,32 | R4479,74 | R223,99 | R11199,34 | R19005,82 |
6 | 12 Apr 19 | R14,01 | R585,90 | R538,03 | R440,10 | R342,59 | R221,56 | R7,36 | R4509,44 | R225,47 | R11273,61 | R19103,27 |
5 | 11 Apr 19 | R13,97 | R587,22 | R539,24 | R441,09 | R343,36 | R222,06 | R7,39 | R4527,75 | R226,39 | R11319,38 | R19146,25 |
4 | 10 Apr 19 | R14,08 | R590,98 | R542,69 | R443,91 | R345,55 | R223,48 | R7,46 | R4568,35 | R228,42 | R11420,87 | R19269,02 |
3 | 09 Apr 19 | R14,11 | R590,50 | R542,24 | R443,55 | R345,27 | R223,29 | R7,42 | R4540,67 | R227,03 | R11351,68 | R19253,33 |
2 | 08 Apr 19 | R14,11 | R585,57 | R537,73 | R439,85 | R342,40 | R221,45 | R7,45 | R4559,59 | R227,98 | R11398,97 | R19092,41 |
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