Islamic Economic Indicators
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To access the Islamic Economic Indicators for recent months, click on the links below:
Jumaadal Aakhirah 1446
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 21 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
7 | 09-Dec | R17.93 | R1526.19 | R1399.00 | R1335.42 | R1144.64 | R890.28 | R572.32 | R18.04 | R11046.97 | R552.34 | R27617.44 | R50483.95 |
4 | 06-Dec | R17.98 | R1530.42 | R1402.88 | R1339.12 | R1147.81 | R892.74 | R573.91 | R18.12 | R11095.96 | R554.79 | R27739.91 | R50 97.60 |
3 | 05-Dec | R18.06 | R1544.51 | R1415.80 | R1351.45 | R1158.38 | R900.96 | R579.19 | R18.26 | R11181.69 | R559.08 | R27954.23 | R51122.81 |
2 | 04-Dec | R18.15 | R1542.04 | R1413.53 | R1349.29 | R1156.53 | R899.52 | R578.26 | R18.07 | R11065.35 | R553.26 | R27663.36 | R51076.08 |
1 | 03-Dec | R18.20 | R1542.53 | R1413.98 | R1349.71 | R1156.89 | R899.81 | R578.45 | R18.04 | R11046.97 | R552.34 | R27617.44 | R51119.22 |
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 21 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
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