Shabaan 1439
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
29 | 16 May 18 | R12.63 | R526.92 | R483.95 | R395.87 | R308.19 | R199.43 | R7.20 | R4407.77 | R220.39 | R11019.42 | R17177.04 |
28 | 15 May 18 | R12.25 | R520.89 | R478.41 | R391.34 | R304.67 | R197.15 | R7.08 | R4336.43 | R216.82 | R10841.07 | R16980.04 |
27 | 14 May 18 | R12.21 | R520.96 | R478.48 | R391.40 | R304.71 | R197.18 | R7.11 | R4352.10 | R217.61 | R10880.26 | R16982.31 |
24 | 11 May 18 | R12.37 | R525.35 | R482.51 | R394.69 | R307.27 | R198.83 | R7.13 | R4365.27 | R218.26 | R10913.17 | R17125.77 |
23 | 10 May 18 | R12.59 | R532.89 | R489.42 | R400.34 | R311.67 | R201.66 | R7.19 | R4401.83 | R220.09 | R11004.57 | R17371.89 |
22 | 09 May 18 | R12.62 | R531.11 | R487.79 | R399.01 | R310.63 | R201.00 | R7.21 | R4412.79 | R220.64 | R11031.97 | R17313.76 |
21 | 08 May 18 | R12.56 | R529.81 | R486.60 | R398.03 | R309.88 | R200.51 | R7.16 | R4382.42 | R219.12 | R10956.04 | R17271.44 |
20 | 07 May 18 | R12.61 | R531.91 | R488.52 | R399.61 | R311.10 | R201.30 | R7.19 | R4402.01 | R220.10 | R11005.03 | R17340.00 |
17 | 04 May 18 | R12.63 | R535.04 | R491.39 | R401.95 | R312.92 | R202.47 | R7.22 | R4422.28 | R221.11 | R11055.70 | R17442.02 |
16 | 03 May 18 | R12.68 | R532.65 | R489.20 | R400.16 | R311.53 | R201.58 | R7.20 | R4408.20 | R220.41 | R11020.49 | R17364.12 |
15 | 02 May 18 | R12.45 | R526.40 | R483.46 | R395.47 | R307.88 | R199.22 | R7.08 | R4334.41 | R216.72 | R10836.02 | R17159.91 |
13 | 30 Apr 18 | R12.39 | R526.96 | R483.98 | R395.89 | R308.21 | R199.43 | R7.13 | R4365.76 | R218.29 | R10914.40 | R17178.18 |
9 | 26 Apr 18 | R12.49 | R531.65 | R488.28 | R399.41 | R310.95 | R201.20 | R7.18 | R4398.89 | R219.94 | R10997.22 | R17331.39 |
8 | 25 Apr 18 | R12.36 | R528.92 | R485.78 | R397.37 | R309.36 | R200.17 | R7.12 | R4360.43 | R218.02 | R10901.08 | R17242.33 |
7 | 24 Apr 18 | R12.28 | R523.71 | R481.01 | R393.46 | R306.32 | R198.22 | R7.22 | R4420.93 | R221.05 | R11052.33 | R17072.05 |
6 | 23 Apr 18 | R12.08 | R520.03 | R477.63 | R390.70 | R304.17 | R196.84 | R7.18 | R4393.87 | R219.69 | R10984.67 | R16951.83 |
3 | 20 Apr 18 | R11.95 | R518.99 | R476.68 | R389.92 | R303.56 | R196.45 | R7.13 | R4368.15 | R218.41 | R10920.37 | R16918.02 |
2 | 19 Apr 18 | R11.95 | R520.26 | R477.83 | R390.87 | R304.30 | R196.91 | R7.03 | R4306.12 | R215.31 | R10765.29 | R16959.45 |
1 | 18 Apr 18 | R12.01 | R519.01 | R476.69 | R389.94 | R303.58 | R196.43 | R6.93 | R4244.02 | R212.20 | R10610.06 | R16918.77 |
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