UUCSA Statement | Vaccinations
A Statement from the United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA)*
1. Historically, vaccines have been developed as preventative measures against various diseases such as polio, small pox, etc.
2. In principle, taking a vaccine as a preventative or protective measure against an illness is permissible and does not contradict the concept of Tawakkul; adopting measures deemed necessary while placing implicit trust in Allah believing that whatever Allah decrees will ultimately prevail.
3. The vaccine should not contain impure or impermissible substances. However, where there are no Halaal-suitable alternatives, senior Ulama have permitted the use of medication that contains impermissible substances.
4. Vaccinations may or may not negatively affect the user; however, once cohorts of Allah fearing Muslim physicians deem its use necessary, it would render the use of vaccines permissible.
5. Taking the vaccine is a matter of choice and preference; no individual may be compelled to take it, nor should one who refuses to take it be criticized or ridiculed.
Issued by:
The Board
10 Rajab 1442
22 February 2021
*NOTE: This statement has not been endorsed by the Jamiatul Ulama KZN (JUKZN)
UUCSA is an umbrella body comprising nine affiliate members. It represents approximately 1500 Muslim Scholars. It has a national foot print across the nine provinces of South Africa.
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