Shabaan 1438
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
29 | 26 May 17 | R12.88 | R522.51 | R479.05 | R391.84 | R305.05 | R197.46 | R7.67 | R4697.47 | R234.87 | R11743.69 | R17001.50 |
28 | 25 May 17 | R12.95 | R523.53 | R479.99 | R392.60 | R305.65 | R197.84 | R7.66 | R4690.19 | R234.51 | R11725.47 | R17034.84 |
27 | 24 May 17 | R13.11 | R533.28 | R488.93 | R399.91 | R311.33 | R201.52 | R7.81 | R4779.47 | R238.97 | R11948.67 | R17353.11 |
26 | 23 May 17 | R13.19 | R535.63 | R491.08 | R401.67 | R312.70 | R202.39 | R7.76 | R4752.46 | R237.62 | R11881.16 | R17429.82 |
25 | 22 May 17 | R13.25 | R535.07 | R490.57 | R401.26 | R312.38 | R202.18 | R7.71 | R4722.83 | R236.14 | R11807.07 | R17411.81 |
22 | 19 May 17 | R13.45 | R544.91 | R499.60 | R408.64 | R318.12 | R205.88 | R7.85 | R4806.54 | R240.33 | R12016.34 | R17733.15 |
21 | 18 May 17 | R13.21 | R535.99 | R491.41 | R401.94 | R312.91 | R202.53 | R7.75 | R4747.14 | R237.36 | R11867.84 | R17441.56 |
20 | 17 May 17 | R13.11 | R522.24 | R478.80 | R391.63 | R304.90 | R197.35 | R7.61 | R4661.71 | R233.09 | R11654.28 | R16992.62 |
19 | 16 May 17 | R13.19 | R524.93 | R481.27 | R393.65 | R306.47 | R198.36 | R7.60 | R4652.77 | R232.64 | R11631.93 | R17080.59 |
18 | 15 May 17 | R13.36 | R530.59 | R486.45 | R397.90 | R309.77 | R200.48 | R7.56 | R4628.65 | R231.43 | R11571.61 | R17265.51 |
15 | 12 May 17 | R13.37 | R527.86 | R483.95 | R395.85 | R308.18 | R199.46 | R7.60 | R4655.10 | R232.75 | R11637.75 | R17176.33 |
14 | 11 May 17 | R13.47 | R531.36 | R487.16 | R398.47 | R310.21 | R200.77 | R7.62 | R4663.92 | R233.20 | R11659.79 | R17290.37 |
13 | 10 May 17 | R13.63 | R536.53 | R491.90 | R402.35 | R313.23 | R202.72 | R7.67 | R4699.01 | R234.95 | R11747.51 | R17459.35 |
12 | 09 May 17 | R13.54 | R537.25 | R492.56 | R402.89 | R313.65 | R202.99 | R7.70 | R4715.42 | R235.77 | R11788.54 | R17482.78 |
11 | 08 May 17 | R13.59 | R538.50 | R493.71 | R403.83 | R314.38 | R203.46 | R7.68 | R4701.39 | R235.07 | R11753.48 | R17523.66 |
8 | 05 May 17 | R13.55 | R537.04 | R492.38 | R402.73 | R313.53 | R202.92 | R7.76 | R4753.38 | R237.67 | R11883.46 | R17476.10 |
7 | 04 May 17 | R13.36 | R538.98 | R494.15 | R404.18 | R314.66 | R203.65 | R7.82 | R4786.57 | R239.33 | R11966.43 | R17539.21 |
6 | 03 May 17 | R13.30 | R538.64 | R493.85 | R403.94 | R314.47 | R203.53 | R7.83 | R4792.33 | R239.62 | R11980.82 | R17528.40 |
5 | 02 May 17 | R13.29 | R543.20 | R498.04 | R407.36 | R317.13 | R205.26 | R8.04 | R4921.05 | R246.05 | R12302.62 | R17677.33 |
1 | 28 Apr 17 | R13.25 | R539.37 | R494.53 | R404.48 | R314.89 | R203.83 | R8.09 | R4954.73 | R247.74 | R12386.82 | R17552.18 |
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