Media Desk
It is a reality that the media plays a vital role in shaping the minds and outlook of people in society. With its various incarnations in the form of print, sound and cyberspace, the media has become an indispensable tool of daily life and the segments of society that are disadvantaged in this field are often undermined.
The struggle between truth and falsehood is as old as time, and it is the responsibility of the bearers of truth in every era to portray its true message with all the resources at their disposal. New media has added a challenging dimension to the front line of the Muslim Ummah and the Media Desk endeavours to face up to this challenge albeit in a small way.
The mission is twofold, depicting the correct Islamic perspective on issues impacting on Muslims, South Africans and the world at large; and secondly, dispelling myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims, and thereby fostering bridges of understanding among the diverse people of our country.
The Media Desk identifies and follows the development of issues in the local and international media. Should an issue deserve further attention, a response or comment is advanced to the relevant media establishment.
A constant effort is also made to establish contacts with strategic persons in the media field in order to enhance the effectiveness of efforts. Similarly, on-going attempts are made towards networking with various Muslims organisations and individuals involved in media so as to create a common voice and front for Islam.