PRESS RELEASE: Nikah Certificate
The Jamiatul Ulama South Africa has started the issuance of a Nikah certificate for married couples. The certificate will be a testimonial, wherever couples, jointly or severally, have to show proof of their subsisting matrimony.
Our traditional format of the Nikah certificate had been accepted for use under certain circumstances. However, there were always concerns that its handling was not in line with the required reverence of the sacred portions of the Noble Qur’an. Noble Qur’an verses form part of the Nikah khutbah.
The newly-designed Nikah certificate is easy to read and has some security features against tamper and fraud.
In order to be issued with the marriage certificate, couples will make applications to the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa’s Social Department by after submitting necessary documentation, relevant details and contributing a nominal processing fee.
It is envisaged that the Social Department will in due course, extend its offering of the issuance of the Nikah certificate to divorce certificates, confirming the end of matrimony, under valid Shari’i stipulations and conditions.
The Social Department offers matrimonial services such as counselling of married couples and mediation in marital disputes, wherever possible.
Divorce settlements are also facilitated whenever a marital relationship has irretrievably broken down, helping parties to reach agreements on crucial matters. Such settlements include matters of custody of, and access to children as well as maintenance.
It should be noted that obtaining this Nikah certificate does not constitute official marriage registration, a process which requires a marriage officer recognised by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
For more information, contact JUSA’s Social Department on: 011 373 8000 or via email: [email protected]
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