Our Protection in Times of Uncertainty
All praise is due to Allah and may His choicest salutations continue to descend upon our Master and Leader Mohammed (alayhis salaam)
“And Allah will not punish them whilst they seek forgiveness “[8:33]
South Africa is in the throes of political and economic instability. The call for a national shutdown on Monday 20 March 2023 is in protest of everything going wrong in South Africa. It is meant to underscore the growing list of challenges plaguing the country. It however focuses on two key issues: a call for the president Cyril Ramaphosa to resign on one hand, and for the ending of load- shedding.
Whilst most South Africans agree that South Africa is failing as a state, they are equally concerned about the high-handed manner of the party spearheading the call for the national shutdown which is characterised by intimidation, bullying and coercion. If those calling for the shutdown are exercising their rights, businesses have a corresponding right to open their doors and continue trading. Although there is no credible information to suggest that a deliberate campaign of violence is planned, the flashbacks of the July 2021 riots are enough to stoke panic.
This is a time for us to turn to Allah and seek His forgiveness. Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said: “If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” (Sunan of Abu Dawud). This hadith states that Istighfar is the panacea for distress, anxiety and apprehension. Seeking pardon from Allah also alleviates poverty and opens the door to prosperity.
At this critical crisis we must remain positive by placing our reliance on Allah and by taking the necessary precautions. “…And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed” (5:23). Tawakkul involves belief and action: a certitude that nothing can happen without His permission and will. The more we rely on Him, the more we will try to please Him by following the guidance He has given us. In turn, this will lead to goodness in this world and success in the Hereafter.
“Do not lose heart nor fall into despair! You shall triumph if you are believers. (3:139)
Issued by:
Yusuf Patel (Moulana)
UUCSA Secretary General
23 Shabaan 1444 / 16 March 2023