Muslim Participation in the Election of School Governing Bodies
The Jamiatul Ulama South Africa (JUSA) urges parents and guardians to register in order to participate in the current cycle of School Governing Bodies’ elections, promulgated by the minister for Basic Education to take place during the month of March, 2024.
School Governing Bodies (SGBs) allow direct involvement of parents and guardians in the education of their children and wards. Muslim parents and guardians are advised to become actively involved in SGBs which are empowered, by legislation, with extensive functions such as the day-to-day running of schools, appointment and promotion of educators, the school ethos, curriculum, school hours and the future direction of any given school.
By registering for participation at the relevant schools, parents and guardians will be eligible to nominate, stand as candidates for positions on SGBs, and vote for individuals that will serve on the SGBs. Those who serve on SGBs play crucial roles and fulfil such responsibilities as:
- Helping teaching and support staff perform their functions, for performance excellence in schools;
- Shaping the policies of a school for the maintenance of discipline and the promotion of a conducive learning environment;
- Making sure that important aspects of education are prioritised in resources allocation;
- Guarding against the encroachment of ideologies and practices that are alien to our cherished norms and values, and,
- Protecting policies for religious expression and identity of learners in schools through dress (such as hijab for girls, and the growing a beard for boys), and exemption from practices that are not consistent with the Shariah, such as music and dance.
SGB elections are part of grassroots governance that present an opportunity to parents, among other stakeholders, to have a say, and participate in the steering of the education of their children or wards.
We owe it to our children as well as ourselves in seizing such an opportunity of meaningful engagement that will not only protect, but also promote the common good and our community’s interests, in the basic education sector.
Executive Committee
Jamiatul Ulama South Africa
22 Shabaan 1445 / 04 March 2024