Muharram 1441
Hijri | Date | Rand-Dollar | 24 Carat | 22 Carat | 18 Carat | 14 Carat | 9 Carat | Silver | Nisaab | Min Mahr | Mahr Faatimi | Krugerrand |
27 | 27 Sep 19 | R15.02 | R728.17 | R668.56 | R546.80 | R425.58 | R275.13 | R9.37 | R5737.13 | R286.86 | R14342.82 | R23749.53 |
26 | 26 Sep 19 | R15.06 | R741.05 | R680.38 | R556.46 | R433.09 | R280.00 | R9.71 | R5945.46 | R297.27 | R14863.66 | R24170.11 |
25 | 25 Sep 19 | R14.91 | R730.37 | R670.58 | R548.45 | R426.86 | R275.97 | R9.51 | R5825.03 | R291.25 | R14562.59 | R23821.25 |
23 | 23 Sep 19 | R14.92 | R721.17 | R662.13 | R541.55 | R421.49 | R272.50 | R9.26 | R5670.37 | R283.52 | R14175.94 | R23520.88 |
20 | 20 Sep 19 | R14.68 | R709.25 | R651.20 | R532.62 | R414.54 | R268.01 | R9.05 | R5542.02 | R277.10 | R13855.04 | R23131.79 |
19 | 19 Sep 19 | R14.68 | R710.33 | R652.19 | R533.43 | R415.17 | R268.42 | R9.10 | R5569.77 | R278.49 | R13924.43 | R23167.06 |
18 | 18 Sep 19 | R14.76 | R713.66 | R655.24 | R535.92 | R417.11 | R269.67 | R9.14 | R5597.95 | R279.90 | R13994.86 | R23275.60 |
17 | 17 Sep 19 | R14.70 | R708.69 | R650.68 | R532.19 | R414.21 | R267.80 | R9.10 | R5575.52 | R278.78 | R13938.80 | R23113.21 |
16 | 16 Sep 19 | R14.56 | R704.35 | R646.71 | R528.94 | R411.68 | R266.18 | R9.17 | R5615.52 | R280.78 | R14038.81 | R22971.50 |
13 | 13 Sep 19 | R14.64 | R714.03 | R655.59 | R536.20 | R417.33 | R269.82 | R9.25 | R5661.36 | R283.07 | R14153.39 | R23287.68 |
12 | 12 Sep 19 | R14.75 | R707.67 | R649.77 | R531.43 | R413.62 | R267.44 | R9.30 | R5695.48 | R284.77 | R14238.71 | R23080.18 |
11 | 11 Sep 19 | R14.74 | R710.87 | R652.69 | R533.83 | R415.49 | R268.63 | R9.21 | R5637.36 | R281.87 | R14093.41 | R23184.48 |
10 | 10 Sep 19 | R14.74 | R716.30 | R657.67 | R537.90 | R418.65 | R270.68 | R9.30 | R5695.70 | R284.78 | R14239.25 | R23361.85 |
9 | 09 Sep 19 | R14.80 | R725.87 | R666.44 | R545.08 | R424.23 | R274.27 | R9.32 | R5709.08 | R285.45 | R14272.71 | R23674.30 |
6 | 06 Sep 19 | R14.88 | R732.61 | R672.66 | R550.14 | R428.17 | R276.86 | R9.93 | R6082.05 | R304.10 | R15205.14 | R23894.67 |
5 | 05 Sep 19 | R14.90 | R741.62 | R680.92 | R556.89 | R433.42 | R280.25 | R9.99 | R6116.14 | R305.81 | R15290.34 | R24188.73 |
4 | 04 Sep 19 | R15.15 | R750.15 | R688.73 | R563.29 | R438.40 | R283.42 | R9.72 | R5952.37 | R297.62 | R14880.92 | R24467.39 |
3 | 03 Sep 19 | R15.21 | R747.30 | R686.11 | R561.15 | R436.73 | R282.34 | R9.69 | R5935.50 | R296.78 | R14838.76 | R24374.19 |
2 | 02 Sep 19 | R15.28 | R751.93 | R690.36 | R564.63 | R439.44 | R284.09 | R9.76 | R5974.19 | R298.71 | R14935.48 | R24525.66 |
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