An Open Letter | Palestine: Appalling Western Political Duplicity
The war on Ukraine has become the single contemporary global issue that has exposed the Western world’s duplicity and double standards the most. In particular, if Putin’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine was an assault against its sovereignty, why the indifference when the sovereignty of Palestine is repeatedly undermined by Zionist Israel?
The land of Palestine has been under Zionist occupation for 75 years. Palestinians have become the largest and longest suffering group of refugees in the world. Over the years, Israel has continued to capture and occupy more and more land. It has ghettoized Palestine into enclaves in the West Bank while keeping Gaza under siege and blockade.
Zionists have subjected Palestinians to various inhumane and collective punishments, ranging from outright military attacks to extrajudicial killings and incarceration of young children. More than half-a-million Israelis live in more than 200 settlements built on stolen Palestinian land, considered illegal under international laws. Every year, the month of Ramadan becomes a flashpoint for settler invasion of Masjid al-Aqsa.
The violation of the sanctity of Masjid al-Aqsa under the shield of Israeli forces is barbaric, illegal and deliberately provocative. It is has become ‘normal’ for police-guarded Israeli settlers to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and harass congregants.
There is little doubt that the world is witnessing a stark comparison in the way invasion, occupation, resistance, and international laws are handled. On the one hand, there is unprecedented powerful and speedy use of every diplomatic and political tool against the Russians, while the same is palpably absent when it comes to the plight of Palestinians.
“Russia’s assault that began on February 24, 2022, “gave us an all too rare view of what becomes possible when there is political will to act.” (Agnes Callamard, Amnesty Secretary General)
Why there is no global outrage as was seen in the Russian invasion? When will the leaders of the Muslim World, especially those that have normalised relations with the occupiers, take a stand and boldly expose Israeli abnormality? We call on governments around the world to take decisive action against such inhuman and oppressive treatment of Palestinians.
Issued by:
Y Patel (Moulana)
Secretary General
12 Ramadan 1444 / 04 April 2023
NOTE: UUCSA is an umbrella body comprising nine affiliate members. It represents approximately 1500 Muslim Scholars. It has a national foot print across the nine provinces of South Africa.
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